Welcome to the website for Paradox Island, the oldest Doctor Who sim in Second Life.

A role-playing sim for popular fantasy time-travel fans, and is a constantly changing world set in a 'paradox bubble' created after the Time War.
A perfect place to start your Doctor Who role-playing, take the TARDIS to numerous locations (including a public console room) in time and space.
Meet other Whovians and have a thoroughly nice time, but watch out for the Daleks.
Start your Time and Space Adventure HERE

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Even more additions to Paradox...

Thanks to the wonderfully talented Pipa Novelli a battle has come to the wasteland, see the Daleks take on the Mechanoids in a epic battle for supremacy (choose 'Battlefield' on the TARDIS lift).

The Mechanoid stronghold 'Mechanus' is also now in Paradox's time bubble.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Whats New for January

The sim has had a few additions for your attention...

A certain well known Diner has arrived

Beware of the Mechanoids, they are a bit touchy about being approached

The Sherlock Holmes Pub is open for business

Featured post

Bring your own Oxygen

Paradox now has its own Space Staion, check out your TARDIS databank for 'Paradox Station'.